买 Zool Redimensioned PC Steam Game - 最好的价钱 | eTail China

Zool Redimensioned

Zool这个标志性游戏形象最初于1992年由Gremlin Graphics在Amiga电脑上推出,并且广受大众欢迎。现在,他伴着《Zool Redimensioned》回来啦!

- 超过28场经过最佳体验优化的复古平台动作挑战

- 任选游戏的两大主要模式:“Redimensioned”可提供更适合现代玩家的体验;“Ultimate Ninja”则能带来真正的硬核挑战

- 在七场经过彻底重新设计的头目战中,迎战整个位面中最危险的妖魔鬼怪

- 在冒险中发掘新的秘密、挑战和额外奖励,解锁超过25项成就

- 多种经过改进的游玩体验选项,包括关卡选择界面、存档点、辅助功能等等

- 游玩Mega Drive原版,体验真正原汁原味的复古冒险
Sumo Digital Academy
《Zool Redimensioned》由Sumo Digital Academy精心重制,这项人才培育计划重点致力于为优秀人才打开进入游戏行业的大门。在Gremlin Graphics公司1992年原版游戏开发者的指导下,我们保留了使《Zool》成为小众经典的精髓,同时增加了大家在过去29年精彩平台游戏史中耳熟能详的各种机制。这场努力的成果便是《Zool Redimensioned》,一款超越了时间与空间的游戏——别错过这场经典的复古冒险哦!

© 2021 Urbanscan Ltd. All rights reserved. This remake of Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension was developed by Sumo Digital Academy under licence from Ian Stewart’s Urbanscan Ltd. Sumo Digital Academy is a talent development programme creating new pathways into the games industry. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Sumo Digital Academy and Secret Mode Limited are part of Sumo Group plc.
Secret Mode is part of the Sumo Group and is ultimately owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, a public company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK: 0700) and headquartered in China.

买 Zool Redimensioned PC Steam Game - 最好的价钱 | eTail China

您可以通过官方零售商 Zool Redimensioned 以最优惠的价格快速购买 cn.etail.market PC 游戏

© 2021 Urbanscan Ltd. All rights reserved. This remake of Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension was developed by Sumo Digital Academy under licence from Ian Stewart’s Urbanscan Ltd. Sumo Digital Academy is a talent development programme creating new pathways into the games industry. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Sumo Digital Academy and Secret Mode Limited are part of Sumo Group plc.Secret Mode is part of the Sumo Group and is ultimately owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, a public company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK: 0700) and headquartered in China.

Zool这个标志性游戏形象最初于1992年由Gremlin Graphics在Amiga电脑上推出,并且广受大众欢迎。现在,他伴着《Zool Redimensioned》回来啦!

- 超过28场经过最佳体验优化的复古平台动作挑战

- 任选游戏的两大主要模式:“Redimensioned”可提供更适合现代玩家的体验;“Ultimate Ninja”则能带来真正的硬核挑战

- 在七场经过彻底重新设计的头目战中,迎战整个位面中最危险的妖魔鬼怪

- 在冒险中发掘新的秘密、挑战和额外奖励,解锁超过25项成就

- 多种经过改进的游玩体验选项,包括关卡选择界面、存档点、辅助功能等等

- 游玩Mega Drive原版,体验真正原汁原味的复古冒险
Sumo Digital Academy
《Zool Redimensioned》由Sumo Digital Academy精心重制,这项人才培育计划重点致力于为优秀人才打开进入游戏行业的大门。在Gremlin Graphics公司1992年原版游戏开发者的指导下,我们保留了使《Zool》成为小众经典的精髓,同时增加了大家在过去29年精彩平台游戏史中耳熟能详的各种机制。这场努力的成果便是《Zool Redimensioned》,一款超越了时间与空间的游戏——别错过这场经典的复古冒险哦!

© 2021 Urbanscan Ltd. All rights reserved. This remake of Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension was developed by Sumo Digital Academy under licence from Ian Stewart’s Urbanscan Ltd. Sumo Digital Academy is a talent development programme creating new pathways into the games industry. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Sumo Digital Academy and Secret Mode Limited are part of Sumo Group plc.
Secret Mode is part of the Sumo Group and is ultimately owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, a public company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK: 0700) and headquartered in China.

买 Zool Redimensioned PC Steam Game - 最好的价钱 | eTail China

您可以通过官方零售商 Zool Redimensioned 以最优惠的价格快速购买 cn.etail.market PC 游戏

© 2021 Urbanscan Ltd. All rights reserved. This remake of Zool: Ninja of the Nth Dimension was developed by Sumo Digital Academy under licence from Ian Stewart’s Urbanscan Ltd. Sumo Digital Academy is a talent development programme creating new pathways into the games industry. Published and distributed by Secret Mode Limited. Sumo Digital Academy and Secret Mode Limited are part of Sumo Group plc.Secret Mode is part of the Sumo Group and is ultimately owned by Tencent Holdings Limited, a public company listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong (SEHK: 0700) and headquartered in China.